Spyder Soars to New Heights in China with Beijing Flagship Store

Spyder Takes China by Storm


To celebrate Spyder's new collection, Tristate hosted a launch event at Spyder’s Beijing flagship store and brand activations at a ski resort. Local media and KOL's joined USST athletes Maggie Voisin and Casey Andriga and the China Olympic Committee Officer for the festivities. More than 130 guests were in attendance.


Spyder Climbs the Great Wall

China is the the world’s fastest growing ski market. Since the 2022 Winter Olympics will be co-hosted in Beijing and Chongli, Spyder brought the USST athletes to the official ski competition venue in Chongli and to the Great Wall of China.


Social Spotlight!

Spyder’s China launch garnered more than 10 million social impressions organically. It was covered by major media outlets and KOL’s on WeChat and Weibo, including Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health, Men’s Wear, IQIYI.com, For Him magazine, Esquire and FunSki using #SPYDER CHINA LAUNCH#. A viral video was also viewed by more than 70k fans on Tik Tok.


In the News

For more information, click through to SinaSports.com and Cosmopolitan.