ABG Suspends All Branded Retail and E-Commerce Operations in Russia and Supports Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine

Over the last several weeks, we have been working closely with our partners to suspend all branded stores and e-commerce operations in Russia. In some cases, partner operations were suspended immediately. In other cases, due to contractual issues, the suspension of partner operations took longer to come into effect.

As of Sunday, March 20, 2022, ABG has successfully suspended all branded stores and e-commerce operations in Russia.

In light of Russia’s unrelenting attacks on Ukraine and the escalating humanitarian crisis, ABG has made donations to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and 7: The David Beckham UNICEF Fund, which are driving humanitarian efforts and providing immediate aid to those most in need in the region. 

ABG has also implemented a 1:1 employee matching gift program, whereby ABG will match donations made by employees to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Please join us in calling for peace and freedom for Ukraine.

This statement has been updated to reflect the suspension of brand operations in Russia and charitable support for the people of Ukraine.